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Emily Price

Emily Price

I am new to the game and ready to learn. I started my journey with the Virginia State Parks in the office at Hungry Mother State Park in 2015. I always enjoyed meeting so many wonderful people visiting the park. One of the most rewarding parts of working for the parks is hearing the stories of so many people. Every park in the system holds precious memories from people across the world. Growing up in Marion, VA, I have a lot of memories of my own that I cherish from Hungry Mother.

Recently I have transitioned into the Visitor Service Specialist Assistant for Virginia State Parks. Now, I get to step into a whole new world of parks. I look forward to the incredible and rewarding journey that lies ahead for me. Life has no trail map, but I believe the journey is what makes the destination so beautiful.

I am currently a student at Liberty University, from which I will soon graduate with a Bachelor in Business Administration. I feel very blessed to be in the position that I am. Every day working for the Virginia State Parks is an adventure.

Looking at all the parks across the state, there are many stories, memories, and pictures that never make me question the wonder of our parks.

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